  product_id IN (13030, 13029) 
  AND lang_code = 'en'

Query time 0.00017

JSON explain

  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "table": {
      "table_name": "cscart_product_descriptions",
      "access_type": "range",
      "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "product_id"],
      "key": "product_id",
      "key_length": "3",
      "used_key_parts": ["product_id"],
      "rows": 2,
      "filtered": 100,
      "index_condition": "cscart_product_descriptions.product_id in (13030,13029)",
      "attached_condition": "cscart_product_descriptions.lang_code = 'en'"


product_id short_description full_description
13029 <p>Cadence Revive Chocolate 910g provides the ideal formulation to help prevent excessive muscle damage, fatigue and immune suppression. High intensity or resistance training can result in greater muscle tissue damage, requiring a higher concentration of protein to halt catabolism and accelerate muscle regeneration.</p> <p>Cadence Revive Chocolate 910g provides the ideal formulation to help prevent excessive muscle damage, fatigue and immune suppression. High intensity or resistance training can result in greater muscle tissue damage, requiring a higher concentration of protein to halt catabolism and accelerate muscle regeneration.</p>
13030 <p></p> <p>The Balanced Energy Bar is a great tasting, easily chewable energy bar for endurance training or as a snack.</p> <p>The all natural ingredients provide a lower glycemic index than our race bars and provide an energy source that can be used in low intensity training or as a snack between meals. </p> <p>Balanced Energy Bars are  free from artificial flavour-ants, colourants and preservatives. The Balanced Energy Bar is also Halal certified and contains no animal products.</p> <p></p> <p>The Balanced Energy Bar is a great tasting, easily chewable energy bar for endurance training or as a snack.</p> <p>The all natural ingredients provide a lower glycemic index than our race bars and provide an energy source that can be used in low intensity training or as a snack between meals. </p> <p>Balanced Energy Bars are  free from artificial flavour-ants, colourants and preservatives. The Balanced Energy Bar is also Halal certified and contains no animal products.</p>