  LEFT JOIN cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions ON cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions.plan_id = cscart_vendor_plans.plan_id 
  AND cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions.lang_code = 'en' 
    status IN('A')
  AND cscart_vendor_plans.show_plan = 0 
  position asc

Query time 0.00104

JSON explain

  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "read_sorted_file": {
      "filesort": {
        "sort_key": "cscart_vendor_plans.position",
        "table": {
          "table_name": "cscart_vendor_plans",
          "access_type": "ALL",
          "rows": 21,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "cscart_vendor_plans.show_plan = 0 and cscart_vendor_plans.`status` = 'A'"
    "table": {
      "table_name": "cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions",
      "access_type": "eq_ref",
      "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
      "key": "PRIMARY",
      "key_length": "10",
      "used_key_parts": ["plan_id", "lang_code"],
      "ref": ["ymonline_livedata.cscart_vendor_plans.plan_id", "const"],
      "rows": 1,
      "filtered": 100,
      "attached_condition": "trigcond(cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions.lang_code = 'en')"


plan_id lang_code plan description status position is_default price periodicity commission fixed_commission products_limit revenue_limit vendor_store categories storefronts lowers_allowed_balance grace_period_to_refill_balance usergroups is_fulfillment_by_marketplace show_plan
31 en South African Vendors First Plan A 0 0 1000.00 month 24.56 0.00 50 0.00 1 0 N 0
25 en Your Mart Retail 14% - Non VAT Reg companies commission plan <p>Your Mart Retail Vendor (None VAT reg)</p> <ul><li>Commission on all Sales = 14% to Retail Customers</li><li>Any changes to this vendor plan must be done in writing with Your Mart.</li><li>Unlimited Products</li><li>Unlimited Revenue</li><li>Free Marketing through our platform</li><li>You manage your own store front</li><li>You mange your stock</li><li>You Deliver to us</li><li>We Deliver to the customer</li></ul> <p><br></p> <ul></ul> A 1 0 1000.00 onetime 24.56 0.00 0 0.00 1 0 Y 0
26 en Your Mart Retail 14% & Wholesale 8% - Non VAT Reg companies commission plan <p>Your Mart Retail & Wholesale Vendor (Non VAT registered companies)</p> <ul><li>Commission on all Sales = 14% to Retail Customers</li><li>Commission on all sales = 8% to Wholesale Customers</li><li>1m2 of Storage space @ P30/Month</li><li>Any changes to this vendor plan must be done in writing with Your Mart Pty Ltd.</li><li>Unlimited Products</li><li>Unlimited Revenue</li><li>Free Marketing through our platform</li><li>You manage your own store front</li><li>You mange your stock</li><li>You Deliver to us</li><li>We Deliver to the customer</li></ul> A 2 0 1500.00 onetime 24.56 0.00 0 0.00 1 7 Y 0
9 en Your Mart Retail vendor @ 14% <p>Your Mart Retail&nbsp;Vendor</p> <ul><li>Commission on all Sales = 14% to Your Mart</li><li>Any changes to this vendor plan must be done in writing with Your Mart.</li><li>Unlimited Products</li><li>Unlimited Revenue</li><li>Free Marketing through our platform</li><li>You manage your own store front</li><li>You mange your stock</li><li>You Deliver to us</li><li>We Deliver to the customer</li></ul> <p><br></p> <ul></ul> <p><br></p> A 3 1 1000.00 onetime 14.00 0.00 0 0.00 1 7 Y 0
17 en Your Mart Retail & Wholesale vendor @ 14%(Retail) & 8%(Wholesale) <p>Your Mart Retail & Wholesale Vendor</p> <ul><li>Commission on all Sales = 14% to Retail Customers</li><li>Commission on all sales = 8% to Wholesale Customers</li><li>Any changes to this vendor plan must be done in writing with Your Mart.</li><li>Unlimited Products</li><li>Unlimited Revenue</li><li>Free Marketing through our platform</li><li>You manage your own store front</li><li>You mange your stock</li><li>You Deliver to us</li><li>We Deliver to the customer</li></ul> <p>This account allows you to have both wholesale and retail pricing of your products.<br></p> A 4 0 1500.00 onetime 14.00 0.00 0 0.00 1 7 Y 0