  cscart_categories.storefront_id, as seo_name, 
  cscart_seo_names.path as seo_path, 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_category_descriptions ON cscart_categories.category_id = cscart_category_descriptions.category_id 
  AND cscart_category_descriptions.lang_code = 'en' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_seo_names ON cscart_seo_names.object_id = cscart_categories.category_id 
  AND cscart_seo_names.type = 'c' 
  AND cscart_seo_names.dispatch = '' 
  AND cscart_seo_names.lang_code = 'en' 
  1 = 1 
  AND (
    cscart_categories.usergroup_ids = '' 
      0, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
      1, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
  AND cscart_categories.status IN ('A') 
  AND cscart_categories.category_id != 264 
  AND cscart_categories.parent_id != 264 
  AND cscart_categories.storefront_id IN (0, 1) 
  cscart_categories.is_trash asc, 
  cscart_categories.position asc, 
  cscart_category_descriptions.category asc

Query time 0.00209

JSON explain

  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "filesort": {
      "sort_key": "cscart_categories.is_trash, cscart_categories.position, cscart_category_descriptions.category",
      "temporary_table": {
        "table": {
          "table_name": "cscart_categories",
          "access_type": "ALL",
          "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "c_status", "parent", "p_category_id"],
          "rows": 138,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "(cscart_categories.usergroup_ids = '' or find_in_set(0,cscart_categories.usergroup_ids) or find_in_set(1,cscart_categories.usergroup_ids)) and cscart_categories.`status` = 'A' and cscart_categories.category_id <> 264 and cscart_categories.parent_id <> 264 and cscart_categories.storefront_id in (0,1)"
        "table": {
          "table_name": "cscart_category_descriptions",
          "access_type": "eq_ref",
          "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
          "key": "PRIMARY",
          "key_length": "9",
          "used_key_parts": ["category_id", "lang_code"],
          "ref": ["ymonline_livedata.cscart_categories.category_id", "const"],
          "rows": 1,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "trigcond(cscart_category_descriptions.lang_code = 'en')"
        "table": {
          "table_name": "cscart_seo_names",
          "access_type": "ref",
          "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "dispatch"],
          "key": "PRIMARY",
          "key_length": "206",
          "used_key_parts": ["object_id", "type", "dispatch", "lang_code"],
          "ref": [
          "rows": 16,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "trigcond(cscart_seo_names.`type` = 'c' and cscart_seo_names.dispatch = '' and cscart_seo_names.lang_code = 'en')"


category_id parent_id id_path category position status company_id storefront_id seo_name seo_path ab__lc_catalog_image_control age_verification age_limit age_warning_message
352 512 512/352 Bicycles 0 A 0 0 bicycles-en 512 none N 0
326 269 513/269/326 Dresses 0 A 0 0 dresses 513/269 none N 0
327 276 513/276/327 Earrings 0 A 0 0 earings-en 513/276 none N 0
412 274 274/412 Air Cons & Air Coolers 0 A 0 0 air-cons-and-air-coolers 274 none N 0
439 269 513/269/439 Blouses 0 A 0 0 woman-en 513/269 none N 0
555 276 513/276/555 Earrings 0 A 0 0 earrings 513/276 none N 0
383 265 265/383 Soft Drinks 0 A 0 0 soft-drinks-en 265 none N 0
554 341 275/341/554 Wall Art 0 A 0 0 wall-art 275/341 none N 0
265 0 265 Beverages 1 A 0 0 beverages none N 0
509 313 513/313/509 Women's shoes 1 A 0 0 womens-shoes 513/313 none N 0
270 0 270 Computers & Electronics 2 A 0 0 electronics none N 0
398 0 398 Books 3 A 0 0 books none N 0
464 466 466/464 Water Pumps 4 A 0 0 water-pumps 466 none N 0
267 0 267 Building Materials 5 A 0 0 building-materials none N 0
269 513 513/269 Women's Clothing 5 A 0 0 clothing 513 none N 0
394 466 466/394 DIY 6 A 0 0 diy 466 none N 0
334 513 513/334 Men's Clothing 6 A 0 0 male 513 none N 0
300 513 513/300 Kids Clothing 7 A 0 0 kids 513 none N 0
396 513 513/396 Clothing Accessories 8 A 0 0 accessories 513 none N 0
313 513 513/313 Shoes 9 A 0 0 shoe 513 none N 0
335 275 275/335 African Art 10 A 0 0 african-art 275 none N 0
475 273 273/475 Beds & Mattresses 10 A 0 0 beds-and-mattresses 273 none N 0
282 276 513/276/282 Bracelets 10 A 0 0 bracelet 513/276 none N 0
501 277 277/501 Crockery 10 A 0 0 crockery 277 none N 0
531 530 530/531 Finance 10 A 0 0 finance 530 none N 0
276 513 513/276 Jewellery 10 A 0 0 jewelry 513 none N 0
477 476 476/477 Medical devices 10 A 0 0 medical-devices 476 none N 0
510 313 513/313/510 Men's footwear 10 A 0 0 mens-footwear 513/313 none N 0
433 267 267/433 Pools 10 A 0 0 pools 267 none N 0
506 334 513/334/506 Shorts 10 A 0 0 shorts 513/334 none N 0
380 512 512/380 Sports Accessories 10 A 0 0 accessories 512 none N 0
438 437 437/438 Stuffed animals 10 A 0 0 stuffed-animals 437 none N 0
391 272 272/391 Superfoods 10 A 0 0 superfoods 272 none N 0
280 270 270/280 Televisions 10 A 0 0 televisions 270 none N 0
272 0 272 Food 11 A 0 0 food none N 0
273 0 273 Furniture 12 A 0 0 furniture none N 0
274 0 274 Home Appliances 12 A 0 0 home-appliances none N 0
275 0 275 Home Decor 13 A 0 0 home-decor none N 0
277 0 277 Kitchen & Dining 14 A 0 0 kitchen-and-dinning none N 0
405 0 405 Beauty & Personal Care 15 A 0 0 beauty-and-personal-care none N 0
545 0 545 Cleaning Products 16 A 0 1 cleaning-products none N 0
522 466 466/522 Gardening 16 A 0 0 gardening 466 none N 0
505 272 272/505 Health Foods 16 A 0 0 health 272 none N 0
329 512 512/329 Camping & Adventure 17 A 0 0 camping 512 none N 0
466 0 466 Hardware 17 A 0 0 hardware none N 0
314 512 512/314 4x4 18 A 0 0 4x4 512 none N 0
271 0 271 Farming 18 A 0 0 farming none N 0
476 0 476 Medical 19 A 0 0 medical none N 0
393 512 512/393 Sunglasses 19 A 0 0 sunglass 512 none N 0
355 265 265/355 Beer 20 A 0 0 beer 265 none N 18 You must be 18 years or older to purchase these products.
400 398 398/400 Children's Books ages 6-9 20 A 0 0 childrens-books-ages-6-9 398 none N 0
511 313 513/313/511 Children's shoes 20 A 0 0 childrens-shoes 513/313 none N 0
502 277 277/502 Cutlery 20 A 0 0 cutlery 277 none N 0
281 274 274/281 Fridges 20 A 0 0 fridges 274 none N 0
407 405 405/407 Skin Care 20 A 0 0 skin-care 405 none N 0
548 513 513/548 Sleepwear & Lingerie 20 A 0 0 sleepwear-and-lingerie 513 none N 0
340 275 275/340 Soft Furnishings 20 A 0 0 soft-furnishings 275 none N 0
474 272 272/474 Spices 20 A 0 0 spices 272 none N 0
507 334 513/334/507 Sportswear 20 A 0 0 sports-wear 513/334 none N 0
437 0 437 Toys 20 A 0 0 toys none N 0
458 0 458 Upcycled 21 A 0 0 upcycled none N 0
472 0 472 Cigarette 22 A 0 0 cigarette none N 0
537 466 466/537 Tools & Parts 26 A 0 0 tools-and-parts 466 none N 0
551 513 513/551 Accessories 30 A 0 0 accessories-en 513 none N 0
341 275 275/341 Art 30 A 0 0 art 275 none N 0
336 270 270/336 Headsets 30 A 0 0 headsets 270 none N 0
401 398 398/401 Tween's Books ages 9-12 30 A 0 0 tweens-books-ages-9-12 398 none N 0
356 265 265/356 Wines 30 A 0 0 wine 265 none N 18 You must be 18 years or older to purchase these products.
342 275 275/342 Curio 40 A 0 0 curio 275 none N 0
402 398 398/402 Fiction 40 A 0 0 fiction 398 none N 0
315 396 513/396/315 Hats 40 A 0 0 hats 513/396 none N 0
357 265 265/357 Spirits 40 A 0 0 spirits 265 none N 18 You must be 18 years or older to purchase these products.
337 270 270/337 Tablets 40 A 0 0 tablets 270 none N 0
409 405 405/409 Tools & Accessories 40 A 0 0 tools-and-accessories 405 none N 0
543 512 512/543 Sport and Hydration Bags 49 A 0 1 sport-and-hydration-bags 512 none N 0
392 265 265/392 Ciders 50 A 0 0 ciders 265 none N 18 You must be 18 years or older to purchase these products.
338 270 270/338 Computers 50 A 0 0 computers 270 none N 0
410 405 405/410 Facial products 50 A 0 0 facial-products 405 none N 0
403 398 398/403 Non-Fiction 50 A 0 0 non-fiction 398 none N 0
544 512 512/544 Indoor Training Equipment 59 A 0 1 indoor-training-equipment 512 none N 0
532 265 265/532 Accessories 60 A 0 0 accessories 265 none N 0
411 405 405/411 Body Care 60 A 0 0 body-care 405 none N 0
523 275 275/523 Linen 60 A 0 0 linen 275 none N 0
556 405 405/556 Spa Retail 70 A 0 0 spa-retail 405 none N 0
397 269 513/269/397 Bags 80 A 0 0 bags 513/269 none N 0
549 275 275/549 Seasonal 80 A 0 0 seasonal 275 none N 0
557 405 405/557 Spa Professional 80 A 0 0 spa-professional 405 none N 0
550 275 275/550 Baskets 90 A 0 0 baskets 275 none N 0
558 405 405/558 Bottled Amenities & Kids Range 90 A 0 0 bottled-amenities-and-kids-range 405 none N 0
559 405 405/559 Bulk Amenities 100 A 0 0 bulk-amenities 405 none N 0
339 270 270/339 Cell Phones 100 A 0 0 phones 270 none N 0
513 0 513 Clothes & Accessories 100 A 0 0 clothes-and-accessories none N 0
343 274 274/343 Freezers 100 A 0 0 freezers 274 none N 0
345 274 274/345 Microwave Ovens 100 A 0 0 microwave-ovens 274 none N 0
348 274 274/348 Small Appliances 100 A 0 0 small-appliances 274 none N 0
512 0 512 Sports & Outdoors 103 A 0 0 sports-and-outdoors none N 0
560 405 405/560 Handmade Soap & Accessories Kits 110 A 0 0 handmade-soap-and-accessories-kits 405 none N 0
344 274 274/344 Washing Machines 110 A 0 0 washing-machines 274 none N 0
353 270 270/353 Watches 110 A 0 0 watches 270 none N 0
514 0 514 Fitness 113 A 0 0 fitness none N 0
346 274 274/346 Dishwashers 120 A 0 0 dishwashers 274 none N 0
354 270 270/354 Electronic Accessories 120 A 0 0 accessories 270 none N 0
561 405 405/561 Turndown / Gift Sizes 120 A 0 0 turndown-gift-sizes 405 none N 0
524 0 524 Industrial Equipment 123 A 0 0 industrial-equipment none N 0
349 274 274/349 Ovens & Microwave Ovens 130 A 0 0 ovens 274 none N 0
530 0 530 Personal 133 A 0 0 personal none N 0
371 274 274/371 Stoves 140 A 0 0 stoves 274 none N 0
533 0 533 office equipment 143 A 0 0 office-equipment none N 0
379 274 274/379 Tumble Dryers 150 A 0 0 tumble-dryers 274 none N 0
538 0 538 Lighting 153 A 0 0 lighting none N 0
539 0 539 Digital Goods 163 A 0 0 digital-goods none N 0
426 274 274/426 Homewares 170 A 0 0 homewares 274 none N 0
547 0 547 DE 173 A 0 1 de none N 0
467 274 274/467 Cooker Hood 180 A 0 0 cooker-hood 274 none N 0
553 0 553 lights 183 A 0 1 lights none N 0
503 277 277/503 Kitchenware 190 A 0 0 kitchenware 277 none N 0
516 274 274/516 Laundry Appliances & Laundry accessories 190 A 0 0 laundry-appliances-and-laundry-accessories 274 none N 0
454 270 270/454 Software 220 A 0 0 gadgets 270 none N 0
455 270 270/455 Game Consoles 230 A 0 0 playstation 270 none N 0
283 276 513/276/283 Necklaces 230 A 0 0 neckless 513/276 none N 0
552 276 513/276/552 Rings 240 A 0 0 rings-en-3 513/276 none N 0