  parent_id IN(
    352, 326, 327, 412, 439, 555, 383, 554, 
    265, 509, 270, 398, 464, 267, 269, 394, 
    334, 300, 396, 313, 335, 475, 282, 501, 
    531, 276, 477, 510, 433, 506, 380, 438, 
    391, 280, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277, 405, 
    545, 522, 505, 329, 466, 314, 271, 476, 
    393, 355, 400, 511, 502, 281, 407, 548, 
    340, 474, 507, 437, 458, 472, 537, 551, 
    341, 336, 401, 356, 342, 402, 315, 357, 
    337, 409, 543, 392, 338, 410, 403, 544, 
    532, 411, 523, 556, 397, 549, 557, 550, 
    558, 559, 339, 513, 343, 345, 348, 512, 
    560, 344, 353, 514, 346, 354, 561, 524, 
    349, 530, 371, 533, 379, 538, 539, 426, 
    547, 467, 553, 503, 516, 454, 455, 283, 
  AND category_id != 264

Query time 0.00050

JSON explain

  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "table": {
      "table_name": "cscart_categories",
      "access_type": "ALL",
      "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "parent", "p_category_id"],
      "rows": 138,
      "filtered": 100,
      "attached_condition": "cscart_categories.parent_id in (352,326,327,412,439,555,383,554,265,509,270,398,464,267,269,394,334,300,396,313,335,475,282,501,531,276,477,510,433,506,380,438,391,280,272,273,274,275,277,405,545,522,505,329,466,314,271,476,393,355,400,511,502,281,407,548,340,474,507,437,458,472,537,551,341,336,401,356,342,402,315,357,337,409,543,392,338,410,403,544,532,411,523,556,397,549,557,550,558,559,339,513,343,345,348,512,560,344,353,514,346,354,561,524,349,530,371,533,379,538,539,426,547,467,553,503,516,454,455,283,552) and cscart_categories.category_id <> 264"


category_id parent_id
412 274
383 265
351 267
352 512
327 276
326 269
439 269
509 313
521 466
463 466
465 466
464 466
269 513
468 466
394 466
334 513
300 513
396 513
313 513
531 530
391 272
380 512
335 275
282 276
280 270
399 398
276 513
433 267
438 437
475 273
477 476
501 277
506 334
510 313
520 271
505 272
522 466
329 512
314 512
393 512
407 405
355 265
400 398
507 334
281 274
340 275
474 272
502 277
511 313
515 267
537 466
356 265
401 398
336 270
341 275
409 405
357 265
337 270
402 398
342 275
315 396
534 272
410 405
403 398
392 265
338 270
535 272
411 405
523 275
532 265
397 269
348 274
339 270
343 274
345 274
344 274
353 270
354 270
346 274
349 274
371 274
379 274
426 274
467 274
503 277
516 274
454 270
283 276
455 270
540 512
541 512
542 275
543 512
544 512
546 545
548 513
549 275
550 275
551 513
552 276
554 341
555 276
556 405
557 405
558 405
559 405
560 405
561 405